If you are wanting gorgeous fall family photos but you’re worried that your baby might not be up for a late sunset session, you’re not alone. The Kinard Family found themselves in this same boat as they prepared for pictures with their barely-one-year-old daughter, Rebecca. But they came prepared, and so can you! Here are some tips to ensure a smooth, happy evening photo session with a baby.
Opt for a later nap
Most fall family sessions take place sometime between 6-8pm, which for most babies is right around bedtime. Yikes! But one way to make sure baby is happy and rested for an evening session is to have them nap slightly later than usual on picture day. This one tip can make all the difference in your baby’s mood and tolerability while in front of the camera! And don’t worry about messing up their sleep schedule. By the end of the session, they’ll be so tuckered out from playing and giggling that they’ll be ready for bed by the time you get home.

Have snacks on hand
Some babies, no matter how well-rested, aren’t thrilled to have a stranger with a camera in their face. {Don’t worry, I’m a huge believer is respecting boundaries}. But having a small snack like cheerios or Gerber puffs on hand can help calm baby and keep them happy. I usually tell Mom/Dad to set the baggie within reach behind them or in a pocket so the snacks are out of the picture but readily available for baby.

Bring baby’s favorite person to your family session
The Kinard family knew that baby Rebecca adored her Uncle Zach, so they brought him along to make silly faces behind my camera. This. Was. GENIUS! Rebecca wouldn’t have smiled for me, but she sure was happy to smile all day long at Uncle Zach. He made goofy noises, jumped up and down, handed her Cheerios, and tickled her tummy, and Rebecca couldn’t have been happier! If you know someone that can make your little one smile and laugh, bring them along! However, don’t bring someone that your baby wants to be held by {like Grandma}, otherwise they won’t want to sit still.

Pack a change of clothes and wipes
Would you believe me if I told you that Rebecca had the mother of all blowouts on the way to their family photo session? The stuff was everywhere, and Mom and Dad had some major cleaning up to do right from the get-go. But they did something that was SUPER SMART — they waited to dress Becca until they arrived at the session. She wore a simple outfit in the car {which took the blow, no pun intended}, and her darling little dress and headband stayed nice and clean. Little ones are unpredictable, from blowouts to spit up. Save their outfit for the session and pack along some extra wipes just in case.

During the photo session, just BE
I can pose you all day long, but the real magic happens when you forget about the camera in your face and just enjoy the moment. Soak up that sweet baby! Play, explore, kiss and snuggle them. These tender moments make the very best photos because they are authentic and natural.
Can I come hang out with you and your little one for an hour? Reach out to me HERE for my availability. I would LOVE to capture your family’s tender moments.
{Indianapolis Family Photographer | Heavenly Daze Photography}

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